Develop Facebook Ads That Generate Profit

Develop Facebook Ads That Generate Profit

Whether you're a big global multinational or a small local business, Facebook offers savvy marketers a powerful marketing tool to broaden their reach, attract new customers, develop brand awareness and keep followers informed. Facebook actively provides for this, allowing users to create individual profiles or business pages for companies, organisations, non-profits or any group attempting to develop a fan base for a product, service or brand.

Given that Facebook has already surpassed 950 million users and is now the second-most visited website on the Internet (after Google); it provides all manner of companies with unprecedented access to an extensive pool of potential consumers around the world. By taking advantage of its rich advertising features and clever bidding system (to keep budgets down), you can specify exactly who sees your ad, on what platform, how often and at what times of the day. Facebook’s advertising arm is a fine-tuned and state-of-the-art machine that delivers proven results and a high return on investment.

Convert Customers with Superior Facebook Marketing

Convert Customers with Superior Facebook Marketing

There are several ways to manage a Facebook advert to garner your desired KPIs and get an adequate ROI. Facebook permits advertisers to target your audience by age, location, gender, language, buying habits, interests, past actions and so on. After you’ve narrowed down your target audience and display preferences (mobile vs desktop), your ad will only be shown to users who fit this profile. The ads can talk about your products and services, steer potential buyers to your website or even showcase an explainer YouTube video.

For instance, you can target your ad to only show up on the pages of 30- to 50-year-old men who like golf and beer and live in a specific postal code. Next, you can set a budget and choose your pricing option, either CPC, CPM, CPA or CPL. With these options, you aren't charged for showing your ad, only when it's engaged with (i.e., click, impression, action or like). Unlike less sophisticated advertising tools out there, Facebook provides users with a full suite of optimisation, tracking and analysis metrics.

Take Control of Facebook Business Manager

Take Control of Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager allows advertisers to “manage their marketing efforts in one place and share access to assets across their team, partner agencies and vendors”. It’s a one-stop destination for Facebook's full range of marketing and advertising features. Most importantly, it's a central hub wherein you can track and review all your efforts via detailed reports, letting you see in real-time how your ads are performing and making any necessary adjustments.

The interface is home to 14 types of assets, ranging from catalogues and pixels to apps, ad accounts, projects, conversions, shared audiences, and so on. Managing all these powerful assets in one place from one menu is much easier than having them spread out across different portals. Anyone serious about running ads on this powerhouse will need to get comfortable with the Facebook ads management tool.

Targeted Your Ideal Audience for Increased Revenue

Targeted Your Ideal Audience for Increased Revenue

There are many facets of Facebook ads that make it an attractive platform on which to launch an ad campaign. By targeting your ads so precisely, you almost immediately increase traffic to your website, which will, in turn, increase your Google ranking and edge your site ever closer to the top of search results. Facebook ads can also drive repeat sales. Facebook has an 'Audiences’ feature that allows you to import customer emails and addresses to your Facebook ad campaign.

This functionality enables the money you spend on each ad go a lot further by targeting people who are more likely to buy again due to the placement of an advertisement. And lastly, as Facebook is a social platform, this means that targeted users engage with other users regularly. This helps spread the word by satisfied customers of your products and services. The social aspect of Facebook is mainly why the platform has become so effective in advertising.

Dominate Competitors with Effective Facebook Ads

Dominate Competitors with Effective Facebook Ads

Primal is an award-winning Facebook ads company in Bangkok that has the studied ability and expertise to conduct a Facebook advertising campaign that delivers results far beyond your expectations. Our expert team can plan, execute and manage your campaign from start to finish, making any necessary adjustments and refinements along the way. Our Facebook advertising agency is highly adept at getting the most out of your marketing budget and reaching all your goals, such as increased reach, engagement and conversions.

Primal’s ability to understand just what does and doesn’t work in digital marketing is only one of the reasons why we’re considered the top Facebook agency in Thailand. If you’re interested in harnessing the considerable advertising power of any Facebook ads service, contact us today for a no-obligation meeting. Our expert team will walk you through the basics and discuss a boutique solution to meet your business needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Facebook marketing refers to the deliberate act of creating and using a Facebook page as a communications channel to maintain contact with existing customers and attract new ones (brand awareness).

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Yes, anybody can do it. You can easily run ads across not just Facebook, but also Instagram, Audience Network and Facebook Messenger, via the Facebook Business Manager tool.

There is no set price; your Facebook ad cost is dependent on your objective, ad quality, bidding type (CPC vs CPM) and amount, keywords, target audience/industry and location.

Facebook (FB) Business Manager is an important, one-stop tool to keep all your FB business assets centralised, safe and organized and manage your assets and employees.

Yes, Facebook advertising works, chiefly because as of Q4 2019, it had more than 2.7 billion monthly active users. Making it unquestionably the largest online marketing audience in the world.

Marketers create, manage and analyse ads with Facebook Ads Manager; an incredible tool to handle everything in one place. There are several access levels: admin, employee, analyst, advertiser and editor.

Facebook ads are targeted to users based on their location, demographics, interests, actions and profile information (hobbies, likes, page follows, etc.).

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