Fast-Moving Goods Marketing 101

Fast-Moving Goods Marketing 101

First and foremost, what are ‘fast-moving consumer goods’ (FMCG)? These are goods purchased relatively cheaply and often, while also being quickly consumed and sold in massive numbers. Compared to other types of consumer goods, fast-moving products have a far greater turnover rate as basically everyone in the world makes the most of them in their day-to-day lives. FMCGs are the sort of things you’d find in your average corner store, supermarket or warehouse outlet, with common examples including milk, bread, fruit and vegetables, toilet paper, beer and over-the-counter medicines.

As people typically buy these products and soon have to stock up again, companies operating in this space have to be able to keep up with truly extraordinary demand. Also known as consumer packaged goods (CPG), if these businesses can push their sales up even a fraction, it can result in a monumental boost in profit. To get ahead in this hotly contested industry, digital marketing has proven incredibly successful for brands looking to enhance brand awareness and their conversion rate. With the help of an expert digital marketing agency like Primal and benefit from a customised strategy that exceeds your goals.



Although the profit made on individual CPG items is relatively small, they are sold in such enormous quantities that the cumulative profit on a successful product can be mind-boggling. Although considered low-investment items, CPGs account for about 50% of all consumer spending. The other half of this figure is what’s known as 'high-investment' goods, such as a new car or the latest smartphone. Naturally, people are far more likely to show off luxury items on the internet to friends and family compared to the CPG soda they just bought from their local 7/11.

This means to be successful with marketing CPG items, you have to take a nuanced approach that carefully considers many facets of digital marketing. Fortunately, an experienced digital marketing agency like Primal has the skills to lead a powerful campaign that achieves your business goals. We have an in-depth understanding of the different techniques that effectively promote fast-moving consumer goods and deliver an outstanding ROI. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, customer satisfaction, social media followers or sales, we can work with your business to generate a creative campaign that highlights the strengths of your business.

Fast-Moving Goods Marketing Strategy

Fast-Moving Goods Marketing Strategy

As you look to outperform your competitors’ relevancy and brand reach within the FMCG industry, many leading businesses in the space rely heavily on using technology to gain an edge. In fact, those companies who resist tech-based changes to the FMCG sector are bound to sit on the sidelines where they’ll continue to lose market share and waste their once-dominant position. This means FMCG brands no longer have the luxury of putting their faith in customer loyalty.

With customers are now more fickle than ever, there’s an ever-increasing amount of evidence to suggest almost everyone wants products that make their lives fast, easier or more convenient. For this reason, FMCG brands are compelled to put forward innovative products that display these kinds of qualities. But even if your company does manage to achieve this, there’s still the issue of cutting through the noise to ensure customers realise their needs have been met. This is why an extensive digital marketing campaign is so important, as you make customers aware of products, capitalise on untapped markets and increase revenue.

Long-Term Success Tactics

Long-Term Success Tactics

In the FMCG industry, many innovative brands quickly just become fads. Although these types of businesses manage to create a product that sells well immediately, it quickly dies off once the product’s novelty goes away. The true mark of a competent, long-lasting product is its ability to increase product sales and overall market share into its second year, with the stated goal of repeating at least 80% of its year-one sales quota. If a brand doesn’t manage to reach this standard, unfortunately, the harsh reality is that product is likely going to be considered a failure.

For FMCG companies that want to achieve long-term success, their goal shouldn’t be to remain on-trend. As we’ve seen time and time again, the popularity of such ideas can quickly disappear – in some cases literally overnight. Instead, the aim is to become the new standard for a particular kind of product. Although an FMCG brand might generate incredible buzz on social media, this doesn’t guarantee success. A business should only start to feel secure when their product’s novelty has faded away but they continue to attract customers.

The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

For countless FMCG products that go on to generate long-term profits, there’s a good chance that digital marketing has played a fundamental role in its success. From development and promotion to distribution and ongoing monitoring, many of the world’s leading FMCG companies rely heavily on strategic digital marketing campaigns. In fact, many businesses find the most success by integrating their digital marketing concerns into their product development process from the very beginning. This decision means companies can gain an advantage over the competition by being extra agile and flexible in their approach.

With digital marketing campaigns providing incredible insights into the state of the industry and how customers are reacting to certain products, taking a data-driven approach gives companies the opportunity to rapidly develop a new product and satisfy the market’s demand. In turn, this means FMCG businesses are able to seize market share in emerging sectors, which gives their bottom line a major boost. Through the power of a tailored digital marketing campaign, it’s possible to get ahead of the curve with a new product, while also knowing the kind of volume and reach that needs to be achieved to match expectations.

Core Aspects of FMCG Advertising

Core Aspects of FMCG Advertising

In the FMCG industry, there are many aspects of digital marketing that can be used to great effect. The start of a wide-range of successful products begins with the identification of unmet customer needs. We determine these needs by conducting extensive audience research as we uncover consumers’ burning acquisition desires. It’s also hugely important to have a clear understanding of your target market. You don’t want to throw money around hoping that quantity over quality will deliver great outcomes – instead, we’ll research and identify prime consumer personas to engage.

It’s a similar vein, you also have to develop a detailed understanding of what drives typical consumer behaviour in your sector. This means analysing current trends and anticipating the next big thing through the creation of an effective digital content plan. In addition, you’ll want to design a customer experience ecosystem. This is where you’ll use consumer insights and relevant data to build an overview of your consumers and the things that most impact their motivations and decisions. Finally, develop a robust data machine to shift your focus from mere marketing to detailed analysis of social, search and display information.

Locate Your Consumers

Locate Your Consumers

Like most forms of digital marketing, having an extensive understanding of your consumers is vital to your long-term success. This is especially important in the world of FMCG products as you need to figure out where to reach consumers. In many cases, this is going to be on social media, but you'll still need to identify the most commonplace platforms if you're going to develop a successful marketing campaign. Fortunately, there's an array of online tools based around this precise purpose as you learn how to direct your marketing efforts into the most effective space.

By conducting a thorough analysis of your social media and website statistics, you’ll have a precise guide to focusing your digital marketing efforts. This way, you'll be able to attract consumers who actually care about your products and want to interact with your brand, rather than just wasting your advertising budget on those that won’t take a moment to consider your products. With each platform having a well-established user base where the overall demographics are largely known, knowing where to reach your consumers will also help you craft an effective message.

Focus On Your Niche

Focus On Your Niche

Let's face it, many FMCG consumer goods don't have the appeal of luxury items like cars and watches. But just because your brand doesn’t have the inherent qualities of a Mercedes or a Rolex doesn't mean you can't still market to your consumers effectively. In fact, many FMCG brands have achieved remarkable growth by honing in on their specific customer base rather than the broader public. Driven by the power of social media marketing, this approach has helped companies focus on those who care most about their products, ensuring they experience exceptional growth from their advertising campaigns.

For example, countless vegan FMCG brands have experienced incredible success with this plan. Rather than wasting their marketing strategy budget on avenues that will likely reach a large percentage of disinterested consumers, they draw remarkably useful insight from their social media data to target a precise and highly engaged customer base. Even though this customer base might reach fewer people compared to a broad campaign, you’ll actually experience a greater ROI due to having a higher chance of obtaining conversions.

Showcase Your Ethos

Showcase Your Ethos

In recent years, many FMCG companies have also begun driving business by focusing on their social impact. If you want your business to succeed for years to come, adapting your approach to showcase the ethos behind your company could prove to be great for not only your bottom line but also the wider world. While there are still viable ways to market to your customers if you remain solely focused on your products, research has repeatedly shown that consumers prefer to know the values that uphold a brand.

One of the most effective ways to illustrate your values is through influencer marketing. With social media providing the ideal place to reach consumers for many FMCG brands, forming a productive relationship with someone who your audience loves is bound to improve success. By communicating your ethos through a high-profile social media influencer with a broad appeal, you can showcase the benefits of your products and have a fantastic ambassador explain to your customers why they should care about your products.

Use A Proven Format That Works

Use A Proven Format That Works

While you should aim to take a modern approach to content marketing in the FMCG space, there's more to a productive advertising campaign than engaging popular influencers. Primal can help your brand develop a powerful campaign around blog posts that showcase the best of your company's products. By using engaging and informative blogs to showcase a product's strengths, you can effectively nurture leads and enhance conversions. This fundamental strategy has proven incredibly useful for brands no matter their industry.

Likewise, video content is only becoming more and more popular for brands in the FMCG marketplace. You don't have to create Hollywood masterpieces to help your brand rise above the competition; the goal is to quickly inform and entertain your audience on how they'll experience your products. With research suggesting that consumers are more likely to watch a quick video compared to spending time reading, you can showcase all kinds of FMCG products with a carefully considered video campaign. Meanwhile, eye-catching infographics also elegantly convey how your products outperform the competition.

Identify Growing Trends

Identify Growing Trends

The trends that matter most to your brand are obviously going to rely on the type of product that you're looking to market, but there are some overarching themes that Primal can help you capitalise upon. For instance, we can give your e-commerce presence a massive boost, with global revenues in the space now surpassing USD 4 trillion annually. Now is the perfect time to do so, with e-commerce sales growing up to four times faster than brick-and-mortar stores, as well as being expected to multiply two-fold in the next five years.

Elsewhere in the FMCG space, there have been several other large changes giving the market a huge shakeup. Consumers have become increasingly aware of sustainability issues facing the fast-moving consumer goods industry and expect companies to take action. This could mean you have to adapt your supply chain to source materials ethically or drastically change the way you package and ship products. In addition, keeping track of booming economies ensures you can orientate your marketing efforts to deliver the best ROI.

Partner with an Experienced Fast-Moving Goods Marketing Agency

Partner with an Experienced Fast-Moving Goods Marketing Agency

Based in Bangkok Thailand, Primal is one of Asia's leading FMCG marketing agencies. We have a wealth of experience conducting sales and marketing campaigns for large e-commerce and brick-and-mortar enterprises engaged in the business of fast-moving consumer goods marketing. Having partnered with an array of prominent local and international companies, our renowned FMCG agency knows what it takes to lead a powerful campaign for exceptional brands from start-to-finish.

Backed by our detailed strategies, our FMCG marketing agency will also keep your business acutely aware of our performance by providing weekly, bi-weekly or monthly reports that reveal progress and areas for improvement. These extensive reports provide research-driven data on maintaining and surpassing your current sales volume, while we can also help you spot critical emerging trends in the FMCG industry that could help your business vault ahead of its competition. Consider how your business could expand its customer base and reach the next level with our team of professional digital marketers.

Work with the Best

Work with the Best

Our professional marketers employ a wealth of advanced SEO techniques to keep your website ranking at the top of your industry. Supported by years of experience working for many of the region's illustrious FMCG companies, we can directly target your competitors’ customers and drive them to your website instead. This data-driven approach will enable you to establish powerful new buyer personas and segment your customer base precisely.

With the FMCG industry constantly evolving, you can have complete confidence in our expert team to outpace your competition and deliver a remarkable digital marketing ROI. As we form a close collaboration with our clients, we'll get to know what's special about your products and determine a digital marketing approach to achieve your goals. Give your brand the greatest chance of success by moving into the fast lane of online digital marketing with Primal. We’ll identify a range of ways to dramatically increase your brand recognition amongst your most valuable customer base, while also giving your sales volume a boost.

Reach out to us today to learn more.

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