Increase Followers and Profit with Instagram Marketing

Increase Followers and Profit with Instagram Marketing

Instagram has grown to become almost as dominant a force in social media as Facebook – its parent company. In terms of digital marketing, Instagram's remarkable power and universal reach offer some truly amazing advertising possibilities, with a successful campaign leading budding brands to global success. Featuring more than a billion monthly active users uploading over 60 million images every day, with an extensive Instagram marketing campaign, an imaginative brand's visibility can rapidly extend far beyond its organic customer base. With Thailand alone home to over 14 million users, developing a productive approach to Instagram content is one way to skyrocket the success of your business. Fortunately, Primal's talented social media marketing team has a wealth of experience delivering first-class Instagram marketing campaigns that achieve our client's business goals.

Like Facebook and other thriving social media platforms, Instagram Ads are a great way to reach your target audience and make the most of your brand's Instagram account. Instagram's platform allows marketers to post sponsored content on the Instagram ecosystem with a high chance of attracting users who are primed to convert. With a strategy that targets the right people at the right time, Instagram marketing is outstanding for boosting brand awareness, increasing website traffic, generating high-quality leads and nudging customers along your purchase funnel. Best of all, Instagram marketing really works. According to Instagram, 60% of people say they discover new products on the platform and 75% of active users take action, including visiting a website, getting directions or making contact with a brand.

Dominate Instagram Algorithms

Dominate Instagram Algorithms

One of the big selling points for an Instagram agency, private company or individual advertising on Instagram is that they can now use Facebook data to target their ads. However, Instagram works differently than Facebook in the way it structures its advertising features and functionality. This is to do with the different, visual nature of Instagram. The platform has six formats you can use to place your ads; four are called Instagram Feed Ads and two are called Instagram Stories Ads. Ensure your business is getting the maximum ROI with Instagram Ads by working alongside an experienced social media marketing agency like Primal. Our professional team knows how to effectively advertise products and convert your target audience.

The nature of your Instagram marketing strategy is going to depend on a range of factors specific to your business. To achieve your campaign's goals, you'll have to consider how your budget, timeline and resources may have a positive or negative impact. With these considerations in mind, you'll also have to determine whether Feed Ads or Stories Ads are most suitable for your brand as you can't run the same videos in both formats. Instagram Feed Ads are further divided into four categories: Photo Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads and Slideshow Ads. It is slightly complicated, but don’t worry, Facebook Ads Manager (which runs Instagram Ads) will automatically recommend the correct size of images and videos for each category.

Navigate Instagram Marketing with Ease

Navigate Instagram Marketing with Ease

When it comes to developing the most powerful Instagram marketing campaign for your brand's individual products, there are a variety of subtle differences between Feed Ads and Stories Ads that are important to remember. For instance, many digital marketers believe Stories Ads offer followers more of an immersive experience. This kind of Instagram post is a single video lasting up to 120 seconds, giving you the chance to truly showcase your brand and its ideal message. With the help of an expert digital marketing agency like Primal, we can make sure your business is making the right decision regarding the advertising format it chooses to use on Instagram. This way, you can highlight your values and personality, while spotlighting the advantages customers will gain from using your products.

While some brands on Instagram will benefit the most from using Stories Ads to orientate their marketing campaigns, others will find greater success using Feed Ads. In fact, many well-known brands within the fast-food and automotive industries consider Feed Ads to serve as the ideal way to create content for their audiences. As these businesses are often already known by customers around the globe, they can use their Instagram content to focus on new products and experiences rather than establishing the basics like who they are. This is why lesser-known brands generally use Stories Ads as it allows them to introduce their brand to a new customer base, while also providing a suitable space for creative and experimental content ideas.

Use An Instagram Business Profile

Use An Instagram Business Profile

For businesses entering the Instagram marketing space, you have to make sure your account is a business profile. While this switch might not look like a big change on the surface, there are a few vital differences that will have a significant impact as you attempt to grow your following and reach a precise customer base. As you gain access to a range of detailed features that are essential for Instagram marketing, a basic change that could dramatically improve your conversions is the fact that followers will now see a contact button on your profile. This ensures that people exploring your Instagram profile will have a surefire way of reaching you. Alongside a host of other features, make the super-easy switch to a business profile and start utilising these exciting new tools.

Having an Instagram business profile is one of the best ways to improve your performance on the platform. Since you also now benefit from Instagram's built-in analytics, you have a fantastic resource for assessing the effectiveness of your posts. With these analytics presenting detailed information on your followers' demographics, including age, gender and location, this data can be used to target your campaigns in the future. You'll receive insights into what days and times your followers are most active on the platform, while Instagram also reveals the reach of each post and how that compares to your previous popular content. Use a free Instagram business profile and start making the most of these free tools.

Determine Your Ideal Audience

Determine Your Ideal Audience

Instagram has undoubtedly proved a success for businesses operating within just about every imaginable sector. But like any other platform, generating marketing success on Instagram isn't guaranteed as countless brands fail to properly plan their campaigns and attract their target market. Although there are many reasons why an Instagram marketing strategy produces disappointing results, one of the major hurdles is not having a good idea of how to reach your audience. This is especially problematic for budding businesses who don't already have a wealth of external data points to focus their approach to Instagram content. With an expert social media marketing team like Primal, we can ensure you reach potential customers from the get-go and continue to enhance your following with every new post on Instagram.

As you gradually hone your approach to Instagram marketing and discover what content performs best for your brand, there are many ways to gain crucial insight into how similar businesses are reaching customers. For instance, you should investigate relevant hashtags and see if you can determine certain themes and styles that consistently achieve great engagement. Likewise, you can also assess how people following your most relevant competitors are engaging with the platform. Don't forget that your business profile analytics provide critical information on where your followers live and how they use Instagram. Once you find success, create high-quality stories and posts that replicate this approach. If you decide to partner with Primal, we'll identify your most valuable Instagram audience and create content that captures their attention.

Optimise Your Instagram Account

Optimise Your Instagram Account

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a well-known aspect of digital marketing, but it's also hugely important when it comes to using Instagram to promote your business. In a similar fashion to how SEO is applied to other sectors across the internet, the idea behind optimising your account on Instagram is to make it super easy to find while also providing a first-rate user experience. Together, these fundamental techniques can enhance how Instagram users interact with your profile and boost your success on the platform. Ensure your brand is using Instagram correctly from the beginning by choosing an eye-catching profile picture. You should also make sure your username is easily searchable, while also adding a trackable link to your bio to capture vital audience analytics.

For Instagram users, there's nothing more frustrating than not being able to find a business using the search function. This is why you should pair your business name with its most searched keyword. For example, if you run a cafe named Lola's, you should make your username something like "@lolascafe". This will ensure customers who visit your shop or come across your business online won't have any trouble becoming a follower. Meanwhile, you also have the opportunity to optimise the bio section of your profile. Be sure to include some important keywords about the nature of your business (eg. vegan, speciality coffee, etc) as well as your most essential location and contact details. This way, your Instagram account can be found by everyone, ranging from your most dedicated fans to people simply looking for a brand like yours.

Boost Reach With Instagram Ads and Promoted Content

Boost Reach With Instagram Ads and Promoted Content

As Instagram has gradually grown to become one of the world's largest social media platforms, ads are increasingly commonplace both in the Feed and Stories. With these spaces more competitive than ever, you have to take a detailed approach if your business is going to be able to attract the attention of its most desired customers. On Instagram, this means creating promoted posts and ads through your business profile. According to Facebook's statistics, an estimated 83% of Instagram users find new products and services using the platform. With Instagram now forming a critical part of a typical brand's sales funnel, developing a robust approach to Instagram ads and promoted content ensures your business can keep up with the competition. Get started today and discover how Instagram can make a massive difference to your brand's reach.

Fortunately, leading a powerful advertising strategy on Instagram is made simple as you organise and keep track of your campaign through the Facebook Ads Manager. However, it's a completely different story when it comes to optimising your campaign as many small businesses don't have the necessary experience to achieve the best possible return on investment. This is how a leading social media agency like Primal can provide outstanding assistance. We'll determine the most suitable campaign objective and target your Instagram audience based on our data-driven understanding of your customers' age, gender, location and interests. With the help of Primal's renowned Instagram marketing team, we can deliver your business an unbeatable ROI.

Create The Perfect Instagram Captions

Create The Perfect Instagram Captions

When it comes to creating incredible Instagram content that resonates with your following, most people naturally assume that the images are the be-all and end-all. While the image you choose may be what first captures the eyes of your customers, a perfectly crafted caption could be the extra boost that's needed to get followers to click-through to your website and make a purchase. With many businesses overlooking the importance of caption writing on Instagram, we believe these snippets are one of the best ways to attract followers and enhance your conversion rate. If you manage to develop an immediately identifiable brand voice and tell an effective story, your business and its products are only going to benefit.

To grow your Instagram account and create a loyal following, every brand needs a distinctive voice that also replicates their perceived values and overarching image. If you've already established a voice on other social media platforms, be careful about using the same one, as there could be subtle differences that mean it's not as appropriate for your Instagram audience. In addition, many brands avoid having long captions because they believe customers will grow bored and simply scroll down the feed. This may be true in some cases, but don't be afraid to experiment with Instagram's extensive character limit. For the most impactful Instagram captions that are bound to reach your audience, discover how Primal's Instagram content produces incredible results for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Maximise Reach With Effective Hashtags

Maximise Reach With Effective Hashtags

Hashtags have quickly become an essential part of browsing the internet. As they are now used across virtually every social media network, hashtags are typically used to highlight content ranging from events and fashion brands to jokes and pop-culture references. If your business manages to use hashtags effectively, it can have a major impact on the reach of your content and whether you successfully attract like-minded customers to your Instagram profile. With Instagram making it super easy to follow specific hashtags and explore content marked as such, they act as keywords to identify your content and hopefully reach people who find your posts relevant to their interests.

Although it might seem easy to just add some vaguely related hashtags to the end of your post, you shouldn't underestimate their bearing on whether your content achieves your goals. Think carefully about how the terms you use relate not only to your content but also make the most of emerging trends that could convert potential customers. Since you can only use 30 hashtags with each post, you should try and include a healthy mix of popular terms and those that are highly relevant to your customers. This way, you can guarantee a solid combination of reach and relevancy to your brand's products and services. Meanwhile, your brand should also make the most of branded or actionable hashtags to generate engagement and build a conversation with your most valued followers.

Reach Followers With Branded Hashtags

Reach Followers With Branded Hashtags

One Instagram marketing strategy that many forward-thinking companies have used to wonderful success is branded hashtags. This is a great way to engage your followers and showcase some creativity on your feed as you encourage people to complete an action and be part of a fun conversation. With studies on social media use finding that approximately 70% of Instagram's most popular hashtags were created by brands, if you can motivate customers to get involved in your campaign, you'll have a wealth of people promoting your Instagram account and overarching business for you. However, developing a productive branded hashtag is easier said than done. With a cleverly conceived marketing campaign, you can start building a community and generate a loyal fanbase.

It's easy to overthink your Instagram marketing strategy, especially when it comes to naming your branded hashtag. However, you should stick to something people are bound to remember like your business name or the title of a product, although a hashtag that succinctly represents your brand's values can also be effective. Next, you have to decide how you're going to use a branded hashtag to great effect. For instance, you can initiate user-generated content campaigns where your followers tag their posts and hope to get promoted by your page. Alternatively, you could create a campaign that aims to inspire users within your community or provide a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse into how your business functions. Using a smartly planned and implemented branded hashtag, the possibilities on Instagram are endless.

Form Powerful Relationships With Instagram Influencers

Form Powerful Relationships With Instagram Influencers

Give your Instagram profile a massive boost by embarking on a comprehensive influencer campaign. Although this approach to digital marketing has also proven popular on other forms of social media, Instagram is widely acknowledged as the ideal place to get started. This is backed up by the statistics, with Instagram offering companies an engagement rate of 3.21% compared to 1.5% on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. So how does influencer marketing work? By forming productive relationships with celebrities and established industry figures, you can have them promote your brand and its products on their Instagram profile. With their huge number of followers naturally trusting their opinion, this can lead to dramatically increased brand awareness, followers and conversions for your own business.

But with so many companies using the Instagram app to lead influencer campaigns, for most brands, it's going to take more than just partnering with a popular content creator to be successful. The best way to conceptualise an influencer marketing campaign is through the three Rs of influence: relevance, reach and resonance. Primarily, the influencer you ask to represent your brand should have an audience that largely overlaps with your own or at least the followers you want to attract. You should also heavily consider how much an influencer's followers care about their content. If a popular figure on Instagram has a million followers but low engagement, it's better to choose someone less popular but their audience pays close attention to everything they have to say.

Profit With Instagram Shoppable Posts

Profit With Instagram Shoppable Posts

One of the major changes to Instagram came in 2018 when the platform implemented Shoppable Posts. This special type of content means brands have a straightforward way to promote products within their posts. Using your Instagram for Business account, you can tag up to five products per image. As items appearing within your images are clearly tagged, your followers can simply press on them to see important product details and their price. Plus, there's a clear link to your shop where customers can make a purchase. This incredibly business-friendly Instagram update is fantastic for e-commerce brands, as you can create exceptional content that directly influences sales. With these features immediately recognisable on your followers' feeds, consider partnering with a leading social media marketing agency like Primal to ensure your Shoppable Posts reach their potential.

Take your Instagram account to the next level by developing your content around Shoppable Posts. Now that you have the chance to showcase your products and services with a clear call-to-action, Instagram's sales funnel has become remarkably accessible for a wealth of brands. However, you will want to be careful about switching up your content strategy to hard-sell to your followers. Be sure to design Shoppable Posts around the same type of content that has given you success, otherwise, you risk potential customers growing bored of your account. For an effective Instagram marketing strategy, consider how you can pair Shoppable Posts with influencer campaigns to benefit from the best of both worlds.

Utilise Exceptional User Generated Content

Utilise Exceptional User Generated Content

Instagram marketing can feel like a full-time job on its own. So if you're also striving to keep your brand's blog, YouTube channel and other social media profiles as active as possible, it can be a massive challenge to design, produce and post new content across each and every channel. This is one of the main reasons user-generated content has become such a beloved social media marketing strategy. Not only does this type of content produce incredible engagement and reach, but it also gives your team endless high-quality content to keep your own platforms thriving 24 hours a day. With your active users posting content that includes your brand and its products to their own network of followers, you can take this user-generated content and use it to grow a community, engage fans and pad out your Instagram marketing strategy.

For companies looking to enhance their brand awareness and conversion rate, developing a sharp approach to user-generated content could provide a push in the right direction. There are a host of ways to approach a productive campaign, with branded hashtags one of the most proven techniques to engage your audience to take part. Many brands also find success by organising lively contests and asking followers to take part to have a chance of winning. As you reshare this content on your Instagram Feed or Stories, you create conversations with your most valued audience and keep your account at the forefront of their minds.

Leverage Reach With Instagram Takeovers

Leverage Reach With Instagram Takeovers

So-called 'Instagram takeovers' are a strategy that's grown massively in popularity over the last couple of years. Taking a similar approach to influencer marketing, these takeovers involve inviting a popular figure to take charge of your feed where they can post their own content to your audience. As this provides a kind of crossover between an influencer's audience and your own, this strategy is highly effective at growing your customer base and spreading brand awareness. With Instagram takeovers offering a win-win marketing solution for both brands and influencers, these types of campaigns are an inventive way to boost your number of followers and make sure you're developing your own credibility. If your brand is working within a smaller niche, consider how a takeover could make sense for your growth on the Instagram app.

Like a standard influencer marketing campaign, the success of a profile takeover is going to be dictated by the influencer you choose to partner with. Although it's tempting to approach the person with the largest following, think carefully about the benefits both of your audiences will gain from this relationship. It might just be the case that a smaller influencer with a highly relevant audience will end up delivering better results. To ensure your campaign hits the mark, be sure to outline some critical goals and develop content ideas to achieve them. You'll also want to determine what hashtags to use and how each party should promote the takeover on their social media accounts.

Create Engaging Instagram Stories

Create Engaging Instagram Stories

Use Instagram to its fullest potential by coming up with a compelling way to use Instagram Stories. With an estimated 400 million people making the most of the Stories function every day, this kind of content is evidently hugely popular with people who regularly use Instagram. Brands of all descriptions have developed interesting ways to create content for Instagram Stories, but many have discovered that it works best as a kind of side content for your main profile. To complement either a video or an image, you can add captions, overlays and stickers to include even more personality. With your followers being notified that your Instagram Story has been updated at the top of their screen, this is a sharp way to keep your audience engaged with your account.

With Instagram Stories being broken down into a sequential format as you add more content, this naturally lends itself to specific types of posts. For instance, educational content can prove particularly popular when you use Stories. If you're a foodie magazine or brand, you can create short clips that highlight each stage of a recipe until you have a final product. You can also use Stories to share user-generated content that comes your way. This way, you can keep the conversation with your loyal followers going and ensure they feel a sense of reward as you promote their profile on your own. Partner with Primal to ensure you use Instagram in the most productive way possible.

Activate Your Instagram Profile Content

Activate Your Instagram Profile Content

While most brands consider a successful Instagram marketing strategy as one that generates plenty of likes, comments and website visits as a result of their posts, you should take a long-term approach to your campaign and start thinking about how you can build a loyal community of Instagram users. The ideal way to achieve this is by making your Instagram profile a vibrant place to hang out for users, as you constantly seek out new interactions and conversations with your audience. Posting photos and videos every day is a good place to begin, but your Instagram posts can be so much more if you generate content ideas that truly showcase what your brand has to say.

Naturally, the kind of content that performs best for your business is going to depend on your specific niche. But several ideas might be worth testing out on your audience to see how they respond. For instance, you could get some of your company's executives to host a regular 'ask me anything'. This will give your followers the chance to get to know the people behind your brand, while also highlighting your willingness to be transparent with your most dedicated customers. If you've already established a following that takes interest in the development of your products, you could pose questions to your audience and ask for feedback on ideas. Take your followers' suggestions seriously and reflect on whether your brand's direction is really what your most engaged customers want.

B2B Businesses Can Still Use Instagram

B2B Businesses Can Still Use Instagram

It's a commonly held belief amongst those in the B2B space that they have little to gain from developing advertising campaigns around Instagram marketing. Whether it's because lifestyle content is the platform's central theme or because their audience doesn't spend much time on their Instagram feed, B2B marketers often have a close-minded opinion of the platform's potential. However, the reality couldn't be more different as a carefully considered B2B marketing campaign on Instagram can still achieve incredible success. If you're looking to grow your business into the digital age, don't ignore Instagram any longer. Fortunately, an expert digital marketing agency like Primal knows how to design and deliver an effective campaign that achieves your businesses' goals.

With Instagram's own research finding that users visit over a combined 200 million business profiles each day, there are plenty of opportunities to showcase your business and reach the ideal audience. One approach that many B2B companies have experienced success with is providing a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your business. This is a great way to highlight the productive corporate culture that underpins your company, as you post content about new hires, in-house events and interesting tidbits about day-to-day operations. With regular uploads of high-quality photos and videos, you can take a transparent approach to the inner workings of your organisation and impress potential clients with how you conduct business. Primal can help your B2B company lead a powerful campaign that attracts a highly desirable audience and boosts your reach.

Embark On Partnerships For A Good Cause

Embark On Partnerships For A Good Cause

While Instagram is undoubtedly amazing for highlighting your brand's products and services, it has also proven to be remarkably effective at promoting important causes and creating social good. Naturally, your business is going to want to keep customers interested in its products, but with a sharp approach to Instagram marketing, you can put your values on display and still achieve a similar outcome to a regular advertising campaign. To do so, consider how you can use your platform to promote charities, nonprofits and causes that exist in areas that align with your brand. If you manage to form a strong partnership, it's another kind of win-win situation where you get to do some social good while also enhancing your brand's reach and reputation.

Whether you want to promote a brand on your Instagram Feed or Stories, it's possible to create some fascinating content that's going to resonate with people. But first, you have to connect with your chosen nonprofit and see if you can come up with a campaign idea to help promote their cause or raise some funds. This could involve simply mentioning these causes within your posts or coming up with crowdfunding campaigns to reach a target. Either way, a motivating Instagram post that features a good cause is bound to hit home if you truly understand your customer base. Primal can help your business determine an appropriate campaign idea that engages people and includes a strong call-to-action.

Engage Followers With IGTV

Engage Followers With IGTV

Videos continue to boom in popularity when it comes to digital marketing content, and Instagram is determined to get in on the action. Although the platform has made it possible to post videos on both the Feed and Stories for years now, the more recent addition of IGTV to Instagram has signalled an important change in direction. Although IGTV has a standalone app that users are welcome to download, it's also fully integrated into the regular platform that functions much the same as YouTube. With IGTV making it possible to upload videos that are up to one-hour in runtime, this ensures brands who want to share long-form content have another great platform to get started on.

Primal's innovative content team can take a look at your products and develop a modern video marketing campaign that gets results. Considering 54% of people want to consume more video content from the businesses they follow, while 72% prefer watching videos over reading text about a product, these statistics mean it makes perfect sense to include video content into your overall marketing strategy. Meanwhile, if you're already creating extensive long-form videos for YouTube, you're welcome to repost them alongside your Instagram-specific content on IGTV to ensure it achieves maximum impact. From informative educational content to detailed explainer videos that showcase the strengths of your products, figure out how IGTV could provide a new and exciting place to reach your Instagram users.

Make The Most Of Instagram Live

Make The Most Of Instagram Live

The power of live streaming can no longer be underestimated as more and more platforms give users the chance to broadcast whenever they want. Across Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and a myriad of other platforms, live-streaming has become an incredible outlet to build a budding relationship with your audience and enhance the reputation of your brand. Instagram Live has become another option in the space, with brands that are looking to rapidly boost their reach having the ability to fluidly interact with people who care about their products and services. With many companies still unsure how to best approach live-streaming, if you develop a detailed approach, you can seamlessly engage Instagram users and outshine your competitors' posts.

If you decide to use Instagram Live, there are almost endless opportunities to create great content. But you're going to want to have a careful plan rather than simply jumping on a live broadcast whenever you feel like it. As you think about the best approach, make sure you understand the purpose of your live-stream. You don't want your audience to get bored, so determine a way to entertain or educate your followers when they see a notification telling them that you're currently live. Don't forget you also want people to know when to tune in. So it's always a good idea to promote your live broadcast schedule through both your Instagram Story and posts on the Feed. Plus, viewers can ask questions in the comment section, so be prepared to moderate and be put on the spot.

Post On Instagram At The Perfect Time

Post On Instagram At The Perfect Time

It's all well and good creating high-quality content for Instagram, but if your followers aren't using the app when you decide to post, you won't achieve the full benefit of your efforts. If you search around the internet, you'll quickly discover that a huge amount of research has gone into figuring out the best time to post. However, when it comes to choosing times to post that make sense for your business, you have to consider your own demographics and goals. Remember that every business on Instagram is going to have a distinct audience. Where some companies might have followers based mostly in one place, others will have people located all over the globe following their account. When determining the ideal times to post, reflect on your specific analytics and find a strategy that works for your Instagram account.

Naturally, you want to develop a posting schedule that reflects when your active users are browsing Instagram and have the highest chance of engaging with your posts. Although Instagram's analytics will give you great insight into the best time to post, you should also experiment with different times to see if there are any major changes. You might just find that a certain period of the day leads to a significant jump in reach and engagement. With extensive research telling us that each day of the week has an optimal time to post, Primal can help your business generate a robust Instagram marketing campaign that converts users 24 hours a day.

Streamline Your Strategy With A Content Calendar

Streamline Your Strategy With A Content Calendar

Instagram as a platform undoubtedly has incredible potential for digital marketing, but you have to take a strategic approach if you're going to reach your ideal target audience and achieve your brand's goals. Considering there are an estimated 25 million businesses already using Instagram for the same reasons as your company, you don't want to just throw up random posts without putting much thought into them. By structuring your posting schedule with a content calendar, you can carefully consider how different content ideas work in tandem to ultimately gain followers and spread brand awareness. For example, you should think about the types of colours that people already associate with your brand and how these can be expressed further within the content you post to create a cohesive campaign.

In terms of your overall Instagram marketing strategy, countless approaches could prove successful. Whether you choose to prominently feature inspirational scenery, intimate portraits or vibrant graphics is going to depend on what's most appropriate for your existing brand. However, your approach should always reflect the values of your company, while also complementing the main features of your products and services. This is key to building trust with your followers as you want to convert them into long-term customers that care about your business. With a detailed content calendar that outlines how each type of content works alongside each other, it's possible to elegantly execute your Instagram marketing plan and strategically achieve your brand's goals.

Host An Instagram Giveaway

Host An Instagram Giveaway

Organising giveaways is a time-tested digital marketing strategy that can also generate great results on Instagram. For those that are looking for exciting ways to engage their followers while also expanding their reach, you can experience exceptional engagement with a carefully conceived plan. Although there's no single way to create a giveaway on Instagram, many brands find success by offering a gift to followers who like their posts and tag their friends. This guarantees a massive increase in people visiting your profile and gives you the chance to convert as many as possible into long-term customers. As long as you have a clear outcome in mind and a way to achieve that, an Instagram giveaway is bound to be highly successful.

When you decide to promote your upcoming giveaway, there are a few special things to take into consideration. First, you should make sure you provide specifics on what people can win and how long they have to enter your competition. You should also include any other important fine-print so you don't end up disappointing customers once the giveaway is over. Once this is complete, all that's left to do is craft a compelling Instagram post and promote your campaign in your Stories. This way, you'll reach a variety of new potential customers and ensure your brand is capturing the attention of its target market.

Cost-Effective Strategies That Increase Reach

Cost-Effective Strategies That Increase Reach

Once you’ve created your ad, you bid for its placement using the same system as Facebook. Whether you use the manual or automatic bidding feature will partially determine how much you pay for an Instagram ad. Facebook and Instagram ads cost roughly the same amount, depending on the bidding process and current competition; but if you set a daily budget, you won’t exceed that amount. Setting a daily budget of just ฿1,000 per day is enough to provide you with significant results. By partnering with a highly experienced digital marketing agency like Primal, we can ensure your company creates hugely productive Instagram ads that achieve your campaign’s goals.

When you initiate an advertising campaign, your choice between Instagram Story Ads or Feed Ads will also have a bearing on your definitive costs. However, most businesses find that the former is often slightly more cost-effective. But there are so many factors, including targeting, industry, time of year and demographics, that go into determining the final cost of your Instagram ads. Whether or not they are expensive is a matter of perspective, but if your CPC (cost-per-click) is ฿20 and brings in 1,000 new customers with a high spend rate, you can consider it a successful ROI and a worthwhile investment.

Join Thailand’s Top Instagram Advertising Agency

Join Thailand’s Top Instagram Advertising Agency

Based in Bangkok Thailand, Primal is an award-winning Instagram advertising agency that has a wealth of experience conducting Instagram ad campaigns. As our renowned team has the expertise to deliver results that extend far beyond your expectations, we also have a precise understanding of how Instagram strategies have evolved over the years. Taking this informed perspective, we’re able to perfectly articulate what does and doesn’t work when you choose to use the Instagram marketing ecosystem. Meanwhile, we have access to a range of data-driven tools that ensure our campaigns hit the mark every time. Choose Primal for your digital marketing needs and discover why we’re considered the top Instagram advertising company in Thailand.

If you’re unsure about what benefits your brand can gain from using Instagram, Primal can show you exactly why so many around the globe consider it a worthwhile endeavour. We’ve led hugely successful Instagram marketing campaigns on both a local and international scale, ensuring our clients dramatically boost their reach and conversion rates. Plus, our professional team can advise you on every facet of your campaign and get the best results from the budget you have available. Contact Primal to find out how we can achieve your Instagram marketing goals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Instagram allows marketers to post sponsored content (image, video, text, link) on the Instagram platform to reach a large and targeted (age, sex, gender, interests, etc.) audience of online users.

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Expect to pay between ฿6.5 and ฿650 per click (CPC) on an Instagram campaign. Conversely, on a cost per mille (CPM) basis, it’s approximately ฿170 per 1,000 impressions.

While Instagram ads can, and should (for ease of use, monitoring and billing) be run via Facebook Business Manager, beyond that, you should view them as entirely independent marketing platforms.

A user is shown ads based on the people they follow and things they like on Instagram; along with their information/interests on Facebook (if applicable); and websites/apps they visit.

Instagram Stories allow users to share photos and short videos (>15 seconds) via their ‘Story’ feed, which is visible to followers of their Instagram account for up to 24 hours.

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