Digital Marketing for the Insurance Industry

Digital Marketing for the Insurance Industry

Your first hurdle in getting customers is breaking through the online clutter and finding them. Digital advances have irrevocably changed the way consumers research and choose an insurance policy. Whether your company specialises in health, auto, travel or life insurance, your customers need to know your company will always be there for them and put their needs first. Digital marketing can help you get this message out there and put you on a path to obtaining more policyholders.

Consumer Research

Consumer Research

Today’s consumers are very savvy and don’t like being sold to; they want to do their research. Indeed, data about travel insurance digital marketing shows that three-quarters of shoppers obtain quotes and research options via the web, and for millennials, they solely communicating with agents online. Customers want to find out absolutely everything they need to know and make a copious amount of comparison for different insurance companies before signing on the dotted line. In the mind of a potential policyholder, purchasing insurance is no different from any other consumer good, they expect the same natural process as they’d have when buying Christmas gifts from Amazon.

Right Customers, Right Time

Right Customers, Right Time

To attract more new policyholders in today’s digital world, you need to connect with today’s high-tech consumers in all the places they spend their time, which is predominantly online – in search engines, on social media, in their email inboxes and on their mobile phones. Effectively engaging the right customers at the right time in the right place should be the crux of any good strategic online marketing for insurance companies’ approach.

Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation

Lastly, you must allow for people’s natural tendency to view insurance companies with scepticism. Anyone looking to work in the digital marketing for health insurance area will have to take into consideration this added hurdle along the consumer conversion funnel. They will have to work twice as hard as other consumer product companies to first establishes the stability and reputation of their brand. Only then can trust be built and the potential customer moved along the buyer journey towards a successful sale.

Insurance Online Marketing Strategy

Insurance Online Marketing Strategy

Any smart insurance marketing plan should begin and end online because that’s where most of your key interactions with potential policyholders will take place. They will commence their search for insurance with a search engine (like Google), they’ll then judge your company’s credibility and fit based on your website’s look and feel and online reviews. They might even look you up on social media, to see how you treat your customers and handle enquiries. Once they are a customer, the work doesn’t stop. They will want to manage their account solely online, expect speedy and personalised communication and demand regular feature updates and improvements.

Optimisation is Key

Optimisation is Key

Below you’ll see listed some of the areas of digital marketing you’ll need to fully optimise in order to convert new policyholders, generate more referrals and provide premium service to your existing customers.

  • Branding and creative optimisation
  • Content marketing
  • Conversion rate optimisation
  • Digital competitive analysis
  • Email marketing
  • Facebook advertising
  • Lean recovery & retargeting
  • LinkedIn advertising
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Social media marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Website design & development
Partner with an Experienced Insurance Sector Marketing Agency

Partner with an Experienced Insurance Sector Marketing Agency

If you want to stand out from the crowd and attract qualified leads, you’ll need to partner with an experienced insurance digital marketing company like Primal. From travel insurance marketing to car insurance marketing and health insurance marketing, we are the most experienced and results-driven insurance digital marketing agency in Thailand. We will provide you with the ability to target your message and products to the demographic of your choosing. With our experience and knowledgeable team behind you, you’ll spend less time, effort and money on mass-market advertising, and more time on well-researched and goal-orientated campaigns that are guaranteed to reach your desired customer base and provide a solid ROI.

Work with the Best

Work with the Best

We can also provide a platform that allows a brand to communicate and engage directly with their customers. For instance, we provide health insurance digital marketing aimed solely at customers looking for these types of policies. The same goes for car insurance digital marketing. This ability to communicate directly is just one of the ways that we can build an insurance brand’s credibility and reputation and instil trust in their customer base. Get in touch with Primal today to find out more of what we offer to companies in the insurance industry.

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